Among the essential restorative services we offer are dental crowns and bridges, which are designed to bring renewed function and aesthetics of your teeth. They are prosthetic devices that are used to repair damaged teeth and replace missing teeth. Custom-made to fit your mouth, they provide durable and natural-looking results.
A dental crown, also known as a cap, is a covering that mimics a tooth. It goes over the entire visible portion of a damaged tooth. Our porcelain crowns match the color and shape of your natural teeth.
A dental bridge is a remedial prosthetic that replaces one or more missing teeth. It is by anchoring artificial teeth to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. Our dental bridges are made of porcelain and we customized them to blend in with the rest of your natural teeth.
Our team makes sure that coming to us for crowns and bridges in Ponte Vedra Beach is smooth and comfortable.
Visiting our family-oriented office for dental crowns and bridges in Ponte Vedra Beach is an excellent solution for restoring damaged teeth and replacing missing teeth. If receiving dental crowns or bridges has been crossing your mind lately, we invite you to schedule an appointment with us today.
At Lovelace Family Dentistry, we combine the highest quality dental care with an environment where patients will feel at home to provide the best experience possible.
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